ClimeCo International's (CCI) projects are based on Advanced+ Anaerobic Digestion (A+AD) of organic waste streams to produce BioGas.
Anaerobic Digestion (AD) is a
BioGas is a combustible gas mixture (60% methane/Natural Gas, 35% CO2) with an energy potential of 6kWh/m3 (2.4 kWhe/m3). If your browser does not support video playback: Click here |
Advanced AD: Optimized environment for bacteria
- Temperature: 30°C to 37°C
- Good exposure of bacteria to organics (continuous mixing)
- Continuous & homogenous supply of fresh organics
- Seperate process stages optimized for each bacteria type
- Sufficient retention time (volume) for the digestion process
Advanced AD produces significantly more BioGas in less time.
BioGas Production: 4 stages with different, specialized bacteria
1. Hydrolisis | Complex organics to sugars |
2. Acidogenesis | Sugars to simple molecules |
3. Acetogenesis | Simple molecules to acids |
4. Methanogenesis | Acids to BioGas (methane & CO2) |
Read More (external link)
CCI Advanced A+ BioGas Production Technology
Based on these criteria CCI has optimized its A+ BioGas reactors:
- Fully insulated & temperature controlled at 33°C
- Equipped with continuous feeding & mixing systems
- Multi-stage process designed for stage-specific bacteria
- Sized to offer the ideal retention time (volume)
CCI A+ BioGas: Industry leading 28m3 of BioGas per TFF
The optimized, multi-stage design of CCI's A+ BioGas Production plants results in the highest BioGas production rate in the palm industry in Latin America: CCI's A+ BioGas Production plants generate on average 28m3 of BioGas per ton of fresh palm oil fruit (TFF), 30% more than standard covered lagoon systems.
Proven Technology for over 40 Years
Anaerobic digestion is a proven technology, operated with huge commercial success in Europe & SE Asia for over 40 years.
Germany alone operates 8,000 BioGas-to-power systems over 500kWe, with a combined capacity of 4,000 MWe.
Following a strong growth since 2009, Europe now operates more than 17,000 commercial BioGas plants (capacity>500 kWe).